Our Mission:
The objective of Rotary Club Rome International is to foster a world of service above self through diversity, tolerance, peace and international understanding with moral purpose.
We support sustainable humanitarian causes in line with Rotary’s six areas of focus:
- Peace and conflict prevention/resolution;
- Disease prevention and treatment;
- Water and sanitation;
- Maternal and child health;
- Basic education and literacy; and
- Economic and community development.
Our Vision:
Rotary Club Rome International envisions a space that fosters international understanding, tolerance and respect, and where sustainable and lasting changes in local and international communities can be realized.
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create
lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Our Values:
The Rotary Club Rome International adheres to the values of Rotary International of
Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity and Leadership.